Recent Advances in Statistical Analysis of Imaging Data
Sponsors: ASA Section on Imaging and Florida State University
Workshop Dates: December 4 – December 5, 2020
Fully Virtual -- Zoom Based Single Track Meeting
Please click on the Workshop Registration Tab on the left to register for the workshop.
Added on 12/25/20 : Please click on the Talks Tab on the left to find links to Zoom recordings and pdf files of the presentations.
Workshop Motivation
Imaging data has become increasingly important in our scientific and daily lives . It is one of the
most important sources of data in our data-centric society.
While there is some involvement of imaging data in statistics literature --
e.g. fMRI part of neuroimaging -- a broad majority of potential areas -- computer vision/AI,
forensics, biology, smart city, robotics, etc., remain unexplored in the statistics community.
This workshop will highlight overview talks from domain experts in these areas of broad interests.
The main goals of the workshop are:
The two-day workshop will feature plenary and invited talks and contributed papers. The workshop will also feature participation from industrial experts. The workshop will be held on Dec 4-5th, 2020 (Friday and Saturday) and we will keep the workshop hours limited to allow for audience to participate effectively from home offices.

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