The Student Advisory Council of the Department of Statistics (SAC)

The Student Advisory Council is the departmental committee that represents all statistics students both undergraduate and graduate alike. The main function of the council is to act as a liaison between faculty, staff, and students. This council can oversee the undergraduate statistics club. If any issues present itself within the department between students, faculty, and staff this council can act as a mediator between the groups.

In addition, the S.A.C. sponsors social/recreational events for the department. There are typically two social/recreational events per year: the spring department picnic and the fall department picnic. This committee shall be responsible for organizing the spring picnic and all responsibilities that come with it.
Council Organization

The organization of the council shall be as follows. The council shall assemble at least once a semester (not including the summer term). As per decision of the President and the Executive Board this council can meet more often if necessary. The whole of the council shall consist of any students who choose to come to the periodic meetings. Whenever these meetings are held, a mass email to all graduate students shall be sent out announcing the time, date, and location (typically in the Wilcoxon Library) of the meeting. This email is the responsibility of the President.

The Council shall be governed by a seven person executive board. This executive board shall consist of:

  • President: (a grad student overseeing all affairs).
  • Administrative Coordinator (a grad student who assists the other executive board members in any of their responsibilities that they need help with; act as a vice president as necessary).
  • Faculty and Staff Representative (a grad student who acts as the liaison between the students and faculty/staff).
  • Event Coordinator (a student who is responsible for the organization of events particularly the spring department picnic).
  • Mu Sigma Rho Representative (a grad student who acts as a leason between the students and the Honors society.)
  • Undergraduate Representative (a grad student who acts as the representative of undergraduate statistics majors as well as coordinate any undergraduate statistics club).
  • College of Arts and Sciences Representative (a grad student who acts as the liaison between the students and the college).

    Election Process

    Once every year, typically in early September, elections shall be held during a council meeting. The email telling students about the time, data, and location of this election meeting includes information demonstrating that during this particular meeting, elections will be held.

    All graduate students present at the meeting are eligible to run for offices. If only one student runs for a particular office he/she shall take that office. If two students run for a specific office, a majority vote by those present shall determine who shall take that office. If more than two students run for that office an elimination election shall take place. All students shall vote for one candidate, the candidate who receives the least votes shall be eliminated from the list of candidates. This shall continue until all but one candidate remains. This candidate then shall take that office.

    Each officer shall be elected individually, starting with the president and then going down the list in order below. At least 7 people must be present at the meeting for elections to take place.
  • The Student Advisory Council Executive Board

    The current members of SAC are:

    Jason Cleveland: President
    Thomas F. P. Wiesen: Administrative Coordinator
    Mark Orndorff: Faculty/Staff Representative
    Ashley E. Gardner: Event Coordinator
    Glenna Gordon: Mu Sigma Rho Representative
    Undergraduate Representative: Elvis Martinez
    College Representative: AJ Gupta


    To fulfill the council's mission described in the Graduate Student Handbook, members of SAC expose themselves to comments from both faculty and students and will keep track with both sides to address any issue that may arise. Insomuch, the SAC can act as a mediator for any grievances between parties. The SAC shall also suggest helpful comments to the administration of the department as how to better the department. As a part of this a member of the Student Advisory Council Executive Board shall attend Faculty meetings. Students are encouraged to talk with SAC members about their questions, concerns and comments about every aspect of the departmental and university operation and policies in the good faith that we together can make the department a good place for us to learn and to grow.
    Some duties of the SAC

  • Act as a liaison between the students and the faculty and staff.
  • Represent the statistics student body and inform the department administration of any grievances or comments on how the department can be improved.
  • Greet new graduate students in the beginning of every Fall semester.
  • Assist the faculty in getting new students acquainted with the department.
  • Make new students aware of the existence of the SAC and hold elections
  • Organization of the spring picnic each year.
  • Hold at least one SAC meeting in each semester.
  • Other discretionary matters.
  • Announcements