Ms. Mimi Burbank has created a Latex package that facilitates Ph.D.s to write their dissertations conforming to FSU's requirements on the writing style. The latest version of her package can be obtained from the following website

Below, I give a brief description of how to use the package under the unix system at the Statistics Department.

1.   Two key files: fsuthesis.clsand Chicago.clo

        These two files define the Latex style that conforms to FSU's requirements. If you do not have a good understanding of Latex, you should not make any changes to them.

2.    A sample thesis that shows how to use the package. The sample includes the following files:

        sample.tex     This is the main tex file that puts together all revelent files to make a dissertation.
        front.tex        This file includes dedication, acknowledgement, and abstract.
        introduction.tex      This file contains the introduction to the thesis.
        conclusions.tex         This file contains the conclusions of the thesis.
        appendixOne.tex      This file gives the first appendix.
        appendixTwo.tex     The second appendix.
        biosketch.tex             A biographical sketch of the writer
        thesis.bib                     This file gives a list of reference given in the Latex format.

Note:     These sample files came from Ms. Burbank's package. Apparently, it illustrates how to useher package for a Master's thesis. That's why the word 'thesis' is used on both the title page (the second page) and the signature page (the third page) and also the title page writes 'Master of Science'. To make it work for Ph.D. dissertation, a user should modify the file 'sample.tex' and 'fsuthesis.cls'.

Note:     Pay attention to how the file 'sample.tex' puts other files in place in order to use them. For example, to put dedication, acknowledgement, and abstract in the thesis, the file 'sample.tex' uses the command
and to start the conclusion chapter, the file uses the sequence of two commands

3.    Help files: fsuguide.pdf

        The .pdf file gives detailed instructions on how to use the package and other useful information on Latex. It is VERY helpful.

4.    Revelent commands under the unix system

        Put all the above files in one directory and follow the following steps to get the thesis off the printer 'lw' in the computer lab.

        a.)  To compile the Latex files and generate a .dvi file, use the command
              latex sample.tex

        b.)  To take a look at the .dvi file on the computer screen, use the command
              xdvi sample.dvi &

        c.)  To convert the .dvi file to the postscript file, use the command

              dvips sample.dvi

        d.)  To print the postscript file to the printer 'lw', use the command


Created by Shaojun Zhang