1125 Easterwood Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32312
Tom Brown Park is slightly to the East of Capital Circle SE, south of Mahan Dr. and north of Apalachee Pkwy. If coming from campus, go east on Tennessee St. until it becomes Mahan Dr. and make a right on Capital Circle. Make a left on Conner Blvd., which might also be known as Doyle Conner Blvd.
If you are using a map site or GPS, use the intersection of Conner Blvd. and Easterwood Dr., which is closer in the park to the picnic site than the park address is.
After you turn onto Conner Blvd., turn left on Easterwood Drive. Turn right on a small, one-lane park road that curves around until you see a parking lot on the left in front of a small lake. This will follow the path in red in the map below.
The parking lot is marked with the P symbol in the map above. The photos below should help you recognize the lot and the road that leads to it. The parking is free.
Once you park, the picnic site will be on the left side of the field in front of you. It is the brown building shown in the picture below.