Home Page for Steve Ramsier

Office:    104A OSB
Phone:    (850) 644-8437
E-Mail:    ramsier@stat.fsu.edu

Homework Assignments Fall 2001:
STA 2122-Section 2
STA 3014-Sections 01-06, 09-14

** ATTENTION STA 3014 STUDENTS *************************************
Room Assignments for the Final Exam, Tuesday, Dec. 11, 7:30 - 9:30 AM
           Please find your section number and report to the corresponding room to take your final:
                      Section          Room/Building           TA
STA 3014    Sections 1&2        275 FLH            Radu Herbei
                   Sections 3&4        101 LOV            Anya Savage
                   Sections 5&6        201 MCH           Katherine Zimmer
                   Sections 9&10      228 CON            Nicole Ishill
                   Sections 11&12    255 FLH             Anna Auguste
                   Sections 13&14    101 CAR             Radha Bose

PowerPoint Slides for STA 3014:
(A free viewer is available at PowerPoint Viewer 97 (2000 Release) for PowerPoint 97 Users for those who do not have PowerPoint.)
Tuesday Lectures
Thursday Lectures
Support Files
August 28
August 30
Sept 4&6
Sept 4&6
Sept 11
Sept 13
Skewness Demo
 Sept 18
 Sept 20
 Team Working Agreement
 Sept 25
Sept 27
Assignment #1
 Six Sigma Probabilities
 Oct 2
 Oct 4
 Oct 9
 Oct 11
 Exam #2 Outline
 Oct 16
 Oct 18
Proposal Part A 
 Oct 23
 Oct 25
Proposal Part B
 Oct 30
 Nov 1
Assignment #2 
 Nov 6
 Nov 8
 Nov 13
 Nov 15
 Exam #3 Outline
 Nov 20
 Team Project
 Nov 28
Excel Templates for Your Project
 Final Exam Outline
 Final Exam Outline
 Final Exam Outline