Using X Windows on Microsoft Windows with Xming

  1. Download PuTTY for your SSH client
  2. Go and download Xming's files, Xming-fonts (Xming-fonts-7-5-0-11-setup.exe) and Xming (Xming-6-9-0-31-setup.exe)
  3. Install PuTTY, then Xming then Xming-fonts.

If all went well, there should be a start menu entry (and maybe a desktop icon) for Xlaunch.

Next, a sequence of screen shots showning Xlaunch's steps.

You should choose the following sequence of options:

Window 1: Multiple WIndows
Window 2: Start a program
Window 3: For "start program", choose xterm, choose Using PuTTY, then connect to computer or
Window 4: goto "Next >" button
Window 5: you'll probably want to "save configuration".

If it works, it'll ask for your password, then pop up a small rectangular window with a shell prompt to enter commands. At this point, you can run any available windowed program: OpenBUGS, matlab (2006), matlab09a, matlab10b (tuba only) or R after running library("Rcmdr") to open an R Commander window.

Note: this works best in the department. X-windows is a known consumer of network bandwidth, and your results from home maybe disappointing to flat-out unusable, depending on who your network provider is.