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 Duane Meeter Day
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Duane Meeter Day
at Florida State University

Saturday, April 20, 2002


8:30  9:00              Coffee, tea, orange juice and bagels

9:00  Welcome.
Duane Meeter - The early years - Doug Zahn
9:20    Duane Meeter - The early years at FSU - Fred Leysieffer

9:40 - 10:00 Break

10:00   Duane Meeter - A consultant - Fran James
10:20   Duane Meeter - A colleague - Xufeng Niu
10:40   Duane Meeter - A major professor - Mary Baggett

11:00 - 11:30 Break with refreshments

11:30   Duane Meeter - ??? - Mystery speaker
11:50   Duane Meeter - A teacher  Blake Whitten
12:10   Duane Meeter - Letters of appreciation presented by Myles Hollander

12:30   Lunch

1:15 - 2:00  Music presented by FSU School of Music musicians

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P.O. Box 3064330
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